How do you reward your dog ?

 How do you reward your dog ?

When it comes to rewarding your dog, there are two schools of thought. Some people believe in reward-based training, and others believe in punishment-based training. 
The latter believes that if the dog does something wrong, you should punish them - usually by using a form of physical aggression like hitting or kicking. 

They are quick to point out that if you want a dog to learn from the mistake, they need to pay for it themselves.
On the other hand are those who believe in positive reinforcement and praise.
 These people will reward their dogs with treats and affection when they do something right, teaching them to do the same behavior again so that they get rewarded again. In this section, I’ll be discussing both approaches separately and then give my opinion on which one is best for dogs.
Pets are like family members to most of us. They give us comfort and make daily life more enjoyable. Dogs have been man’s best friend for thousands of years.
This section is about how you reward your dog in a way they will enjoy. There are many ways you can do this: with a treat, with play, or with any other activity that your dog likes doing.
Rewarding your dog is a great way to teach them new tricks and commands. You can use treats, or praise, or something else that your dog finds rewarding.
- Rewards the dog with treats when they are doing what you want them to do.
- Provide treats before asking the dog to do something.
- Praise the dog any time they do what you want.
- Try using toys as rewards if food treats are not favored by the canine friend.
Rewards are a great way to reinforce your dog’s good behavior. 

They provide motivation for your dog to learn and repeat those behaviors that you want. Rewards also teach your dog that you care about him or her and this will strengthen the bond between the two of you. There are various rewards that can be used including food, praise, pats, toys or anything else your dog likes.
While rewarding your dog is a great way to show him/her love and appreciation, it is important to ensure that they don’t get too many treats which may lead to them being overweight or hyperactive.

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