What is the best way to train your dog ?

 What is the best way to train your dog ?

You can train your dog with voice commands, hand signals, or a mix of the two.
If you want to use your voice to tell your dog what to do, you should learn as many phrases as you can before you start training your dog. For example, if you want to teach your dog to sit, you need to say "sit" while lifting the dog's bottom toward the sky.

If you want your dog to know when it's doing something wrong, try to teach it with a lively voice.
There are many ways to train your dog, but there is no one-size-fits-all method that works on every dog.
The key is to find a way to train your dog that actually works, which you can do by trying out different methods.
Once you find the right way to train your dog, it will be easy and quick to train them.
Most of the time, it is easier to train dogs than cats. The process is also not too hard. You just need to know how to train your dog and how to start the process.
Giving your dog a command it can understand is the first step in training it. For example, if you want your dog to stop eating off the table or from people's shoes, you can tell him or her "Leave it" as soon as he or she starts to take something from the table or shoe rack. 

This teaches them not only that they shouldn't do this again, but also that when their owner gives them a command, they have to obey right away, even if they don't want to, like when they're hungry and want food because everyone is watching TV or when they're bored lying in bed waiting for their owner to come home from work.
Step two of training your dog is to teach him what good behaviors are.

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