When should you start training your dog ?

 When should you start training your dog ?

This question can only be answered with specific information about your dog's breed. For instance, dogs of the Labrador and Retriever varieties benefit greatly from beginning their training at a young age. Some dog breeds are more eager to please their owners than others, while others might take their time learning new abilities and maturing intellectually before beginning formal training.

The Bulldog, Pug, Basset Hound, Scottish Terrier, and the Pekingese are all breeds of dog that should be given extra time to mature before beginning formal training.
Starting your dog's training when they're young is ideal. Since they will always be in a good attitude, training will proceed quickly and smoothly. You should begin by training them to walk to heel or on a leash.
When your dog is older, but still young at heart, you can begin training. This would help you be more patient with them, and their still-pliable brain would help them learn new things more quickly. A few useful things to teach an older dog are how to go through doors and sit on command.
Getting a new puppy or adopting an adult dog from a shelter or pound are two more instances where dog training may be desirable. Because they already know some behaviors from their prior owner, training this type of dog is rather simple.

When is the best time to begin dog obedience training?
Good manners in a dog can be taught at any age. Being patient and consistent is the key. Initiate fundamental education beginning at a young age.

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